Sunday, November 14, 2010

Project 6 Summary

How often do you play video games?

Six out of seventeen people never play video games, and only one person plays video games every day. This shows that video games are either not as popular among students as I had hoped, or they are simply too busy to play video games every day, like myself.
Most preferred strategy or RPG type games. Only one person chose “shooter” and one person chose “sidescroller”. Strategy and RPG games require a lot of thinking, so it is safe to say that the majority of the responses came from intelligent thinkers.
Everyone owns between one and three game systems except one person, who owns over nine. In the past, more people have owned more systems, most likely because they were children at the time.
When it came to choosing your favorite game, one answer was prominent; “Mario”. More people recognize and have played “Mario” more than any other game, eleven out of seventeen to be exact.
Only one person would rather play video games at competitions. Seven would rather play video games with friends, and the remaining would rather play video games while at home alone.
Four people knew what year the first home video game console was created. Four others knew what home console was the first. Only one person knew both.
When asked if video games affect children’s behavior and schooling, most agreed that there is more effect than not.


  1. Hi Len! I am actually one of the people to receive your questionnaire. You did a really good job and I want to say thank you for replying to my questionnaire I had sent to you. :) You will probably laugh at me but I am very addicted to the old style super Nintendo! And of course my favorites are all of the Mario and Donkey Kong games. I have not played in a while because once I start I have a hard time stopping. I did get a Wii last year and I use it constantly.
    Your blog looks great and now after talking about Nintendo - I want to go play mine. :)

  2. Did you know that on the Wii, you can download a lot of the older games?
